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There’s no doubt that the European Union is bitter about their inability to deal with Hitler’s nazis. They are now plotting revenge for Russia liberating them. Let that sink in 🤔🤨. It seems like everyday you and I are being dragged closer to WW III. Have no doubt it will be our loved ones forced to fight it.

I don’t blame Russia for having this perspective. NATO leaked papers on how they want to break up China and Russia into smaller countries. This wasn’t an accidental leak. It was a warning from God to both countries, ‘the Devil is coming for you.’ Why do I make that assessment?Every since the USSR collapsed, Russia has embraced their Russian Orthodox Christian faith again. Where as Americans are surroundering their Christian values. China is neutral on that. They are an atheist country. For the most. (Those two will be interesting to watch.)

Let’s not forget the rampage the American Fascist Corporatocracy government has been on since 9/11/01.  That notorious day when our own government allowed Isreal to attack us here at home to justify going after Muhjademm in Afghanistan. Why? They wanted a bigger slice of the herion pie. They figured out how much companies were making off of the opioid epidemic. They wantrd more because they are doing the work. American companies are making the money. That was intolerable. A day’s pay for a day’s work. How dare they want more. Greed is an American thing.

Recently, Senator Graham let the unhindged cat out of the bag. He stated that Ukraine has an unknown amount of resources and we can’t let Russia offer a fair price for them, before we can steal, murder, and rape our way across Ukraine. Which why, NATO ie America wants Russia broken up into smaller countries. If China is broken up, than there goes the only two real powerhouses who have a chance against America. Or would’ve had when I was growing up. Now, America is like a castrated declawed geratric cat. With no teeth.

What do you think? How far down the road will this go? Will there be a Nero decree issued rendering America and Europe with Ukraine useless to the citizens and Russia once NATO is defeated by Russia, China and North Korea. Let’s not forget about the reunification of Palestine.

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Quote of the week

"People ask me what I do in the winter when there's no baseball. I'll tell you what I do. I stare out the window and wait for spring."

~ Rogers Hornsby

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