Poland’s Gay Pride

Here’s a laugh, Polish officials have returned “fresh from Gay Pride Day” in Warsaw to test bunkers ie bomb shelters.

Polish bonb shelter or bunker… (Google image)

According to the article, the officials are doing this test as part of the safety program in Warsaw’s infrastructure. First of all, they should’ve been doing this safety check instead of going to a celebration of immoral behavior. Read The Old Testament. They are preparing warehouses, checking supplies, and stability of shelters or bunkers in case of a war with Russia. Secondly, Russia is going to be least of your problems Poland. You had better worry about the person next to you in the trenches. Make sure you the soldier have supplies you need. Amno, mres, and plenty of KY jelly when America bails on you 🤬🤢🤮.  Don’t forget the lines of cocaine for Zelensky. Thirdly, the soldiers who are in the trenches will need to watch their backs when the Americans get their because we don’t have the quality people in our military like my late father’s generation. We have men who behave like women and women behaving like men. The Polish soldiers aren’t going to know what or who is beside them.

Schizophrenic squirrels are a great representation of some of America’s military personnel. (Google image)

Class let’s review what the real situation in the Polish trenches will possibly be like. Gay Pride, Disfunctional bunkers/bomb shelters, and unhidged Americans. Sounds like a great situation.🤔🤨😉 The Polish soldiers will beg Russians to kill them.

What do you think? Does this sound like a grand party or a complete disaster?

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"People ask me what I do in the winter when there's no baseball. I'll tell you what I do. I stare out the window and wait for spring."

~ Rogers Hornsby

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