Over the last 72 hours, there was a motion in the UN for Palestine to become a member. A fully integrated member of UN. Did it go through?

No! I would say it never had a chance. Why not? If Palestine were to become a UN member, Isreal would not be allowed to carry out their genocide against Palestinians. They would be required to stop. Israel has already been told by the ICC to stop. Y’all we know that ICC is a joke. It’s useless.

While I had hoped that the ICC would compel the world to rally around Palestine as a way to encourage Isreal to stop the genocide, nothing came out of it. Netenyahu made it clear that he didn’t care what the court said. Isreal would continue attacking Palestinians. Then Isreal’s representative called the UN a platform for terrorist. I agree. The UN is operated and owned by terrorist. How else do you think we’ve gotten away with the mayhem and destruction we’ve caused.

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"People ask me what I do in the winter when there's no baseball. I'll tell you what I do. I stare out the window and wait for spring."

~ Rogers Hornsby

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