In the last seventy two hours we’ve witnessed attempts of two different officials of two different countries. One was an NATO Ally Fico an official in Slovaka. Within the last twenty four hours the leader of Iran. (

If this scenario sounds familiar, it should. Go back through my post reviewing The New Confessions Of An Economic Hit Man by John Perkins. Or better yet, invest in his book. These scenarios are in there. When analysis say America doesn’t have friends she has interests, the fact someone to a shot at a NATO members official should verify that point.

As an American, I would go so far as to say we have interests and hostages forced to carry out our whims. Meaning, countries like Colombia, perfect example, has always stopped to think about how we would react before they made any governoring decisions. The fear they had of the CIA hit squads held many governments at bay. Not anymore. We are seeing the rise of BRICS nations saying no to the American Fascist Corporatocracy Government wolithout consequences. Usually the threat of sanctions would stop a nation in their tracks. Not now. What changed?

Since 2022, Russia has been hit with round after round of sanctions with ZERO effect. Not only has the sanctions not hurt Russia, but, they have inspired the Russian people to go back to building and creating at least 98% of the items they use. They have cut contracts with both BRICS partners and non-BRICS partners. Now you notice I said Partner… Because all the deals Russia is making are based on mutual respect and beneficial interests. Not two things American government doesn’t like. Also, BRICS members are moving away from using the USD as payment. So long to the dominance of America.

Where do I see these incidents going? What will be the consequences? For Fico from Slovakia, it’s complicated by the fact that they are members of NATO. The only crime the Slovakian government has committed is insisting on their sovereignty.  That’s it. What complicates the situation is the fact that they and America are both NATO members. So should evidence surface pointing the finger at the CIA for this attempt, then I doubt you and I will ever know for a fact. However, the leader of Iran is a different story. We already murdered their beloved General. I do suspect they will play it cool til they have evidence of who made this attempt on their leader’s life. If it turns out that America was behind it, then what the consequences for us here in America will be is uncertain. Says the person who doesn’t live very far from Dearborn Michigan. However, Isreal is an easier and closer target. Something like this is right up Isreal’s path. Withput a doubt. They attacked us on June 8, 1967. We are supposed to be their supporter. Actually we’re more like their bitch.

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"People ask me what I do in the winter when there's no baseball. I'll tell you what I do. I stare out the window and wait for spring."

~ Rogers Hornsby

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