John Perkins

Chapter one 

Chapter one goes into how John was introduced to the role of an Economic Hit Man (EHM). It’s the average story of a well meaning twenty something wanting to change the world. John’s job was to secure lines of credit for Ecuador at the time. Then he met the spawn of Satan in Quito. Quito is the capital of Ecuador. As a Greenpeace volunteer, he and his wife each got a stipend for their living expenses. The spawn was paid the equivalent of six months stipend for John and Ann received in a month. Ann’s job was to teach local women how to keep a clean and sanitary home. Yeah! Talking down to people will always endear you to them. It’s not that these ladies didn’t know how to clean, they have access to the resources like Pine Sol per-say to clean with. 

Moving on. John and Ann’s time in Ecuador came to an end. The spawn of Satan sunk his teeth into John. John would spend years working a moral less job. Yes, John and his family had every perk that came with his job as an EHM.

Eventually, the consequences of such a soul-less job came home to roost. Nightmares, uppers in the day and night time downers. Of course, excessive drinking. But he made out in the world on his own supporting his family.

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Quote of the week

"People ask me what I do in the winter when there's no baseball. I'll tell you what I do. I stare out the window and wait for spring."

~ Rogers Hornsby

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