“A lie told often enough becomes the truth.” Valdamir Lenin

I think that is per verbatim. Anyway, you have the general idea. George Carlin once said he had two rules to live by, simply don’t believe either the government nor the lamestream media news. Why not? “It’s all bullshit and it’s bad for you.” George Carlin. Yeah! I quoted George Carlin. I am sure you’re not surprised if you’ve been reading this blog for very long.

Moving on. This documentary lays out how the government propaganda machine lamestream news media, is used by the Pentagon to brainwash Americans into consenting to wars we otherwise wouldn’t have anything do with. I remember 9/11 quite well. More of, I remember the propaganda bullshit hysteria that followed that day. We went into Afghanistan, then Iraq, then Lybia and of course, Syria. Why? Oil!

In this video, there is clip of Colin Powell with colored water in a tube. There’s no way he would’ve held actual anthrax anywhere his body. Like everyone else, I went hook line and sinker. I regret this now. It’s why I no longer follow lamestream media news. I do follow RT and independent journalist like Patrick Lancaster or Venessa Beeley.

I hope you enjoy this video.

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Quote of the week

"People ask me what I do in the winter when there's no baseball. I'll tell you what I do. I stare out the window and wait for spring."

~ Rogers Hornsby

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