I have wonder if this hasn’t been the plan all the long. Think about it, if you tank every economy but or including your own, what better way to introduce your new financial system which you alone control. I it sounds deluded and paranoid. However, at 48 I saw the world shut down altogether.

We also have to realize that while the forcasted GDP for western countries is extremely low, the GDP forcast for Russia is significantly higher than expected. Why? Perhaps because they started manufacturing products they had gotten used to. Like cars, Lada cars are being produced again. Russia has replaced Western based businesses like McDonald’s.

With that said, let’s look at why the US Government will be the down fall of Western countries:

1. GOVERNMENT DEBT. Holy shit! We’ve racked up so much war debt that I can’t believe we’ve hit the point we have.

2. INDIVIDUAL DEBT. I am just as guilty of this as the next person. So I can’t judge others too harshly. The individual in America has so much debt that it can be overwhelming. We’ve always had what was called ‘Keeping Up With The Jones,’ syndrome. During the 1980s, there was shows like Falcon Crest, Dallas, and Dynasty which showed a lifestyle that was above the individual’s ability to keep up with. Of course, the availability of credit cards in the late sixties early seventies contributed to this.

3. FOREIGN WELFARE AIDE. Yeah! I personally have had enough of this maddness. We’ve givenso much money to Israel since 1948 that we should own it. Seriously! If Israel were a house, we would’ve already got the mortgage paid off notice. Now Ukraine has a money grubbing whore of their own, Zelensky.

4. ENDLESS WAR AND REBUILDING. This has been going on for way too damn long.

If I missed anything please comment below. Because the fact is that America has a spending addiction that’s going to break us.

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Quote of the week

"People ask me what I do in the winter when there's no baseball. I'll tell you what I do. I stare out the window and wait for spring."

~ Rogers Hornsby

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