“America is a war like nation.” George Carlin

George Carlin also stated that America isn’t good at winning a war. Just fighting it. I would agree with that. Yet, it’s something most Americans pretend not to notice.

This basic truth about the American government is lost on Former President Dmitry Medvedev. He’s fullay aware of the path the American Oligarchs are dragging us (you and I) down. The Russian Duma has been warning the American people that this government is trying to start World War III. Keep in mind that we are in it. Not to win it, but, rather to make money for the oligarchs. Why am I saying this? It’s so unpatriotic. No it’s not. Calling out a government who operates from greed isn’t unpatriotic. Allowing your fellow citizens be sent to be slaightered in a blood bath is.

Tomorrow is Memorial Day. The day we are supposed to remember those who paid the ultimate price for our believed rights and freedoms. I say it’s all bullshit. Every year we lose more and more rights and freedoms. It was Thomas Jefferson who warened about those who would surrender their freedoms for peace and safety. You deserve neither safety or freedoms.

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Quote of the week

"People ask me what I do in the winter when there's no baseball. I'll tell you what I do. I stare out the window and wait for spring."

~ Rogers Hornsby

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