The new portrait of Charles came out this week and what a horrible thing. When you really look at it, there seems to be a warning to the citizens of The United Kingdom of what the future holds for them if they follow this monster off the cliff. Why?

Let’s look at the painting closer. It looks like he is emerging from a blood bath. Seriously! Currently England along with NATO are antagonizing Russia relentlessly. Russia to their credit see what is happening and how they are being antagonized into being the one who drops the first bomb into a NATO member. That will enact Article 5 which requires NATO members to cone to the aid of the attacked member. Or so in theory. I don’t see all the members doing this. What would be the consequences for the country refusing to abide by Article 5? I guess being expelled. Not that NATO would have the time to do that paperwork.

What is The UK’s future under Charles? Personally, I don’t think they have one. That would be the blood red paint. I think he will send every possible subject to fight a losing war against Russia. Those left he will devour. I don’t mean physically devouring the people. Rather he will steal every dime from his subjects. Yes, he is a descendant of Vlad The Impaler. There are urban legends about Vlad being the inspiration for Dracula. From my understanding the name Dracul (son of a dragon) came to Vlad’s family is a descendant of a man who fought and won against a dragon. However, Vlad the III “Dracula” dropped the name Dracula for Tepe which means Impaler. While there’s NO historical written evidence of Vlad Tepe (Dracula) consuming the the blood of those he impaled, I wouldn’t be surprised. Charles has bragged about being a descendant of Vlad. Anyway, I don’t see a future for his subjects. I have said before the monarch’s days are numbered. Unless William is willing to do what needs to be done before it’s too late, no, there is no future for the UK.

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Quote of the week

"People ask me what I do in the winter when there's no baseball. I'll tell you what I do. I stare out the window and wait for spring."

~ Rogers Hornsby

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