This what we’re seeing happen.

Sad but true. Marshal G. Zhukov was absolutely right. Since 2022, we’ve seen numerous European countries who were liberated by the Soviet Union soldiers specifically, retaliaging for this fact. Countries like Latvia have made it illegal to openly celebrate the Soviet’s liberating them. They have refused to allow surviving  WW II soldiers to attend the Parade in Moscow. What does this have to do with today’s article?

The specific law mentioned in the article targets Russians. After 2022, many Russians believed the Western propaganda and fleed to other European countries. Just to be meant with a cold shoulder. Now two years later, they are returning. Some have learned that truth about the situation in the Donbass Region. To those, I say excellent. At least they took time to learn what was really going on there and learned for themselves what was true and what is rubbish, good for you 👏. There are always intelligent people in every country.

I have no doubt that the sub headline in the artivle regarding Washington threatening the president of Georgia with consequences if he vetoed this bill. The fact that one country can dictate to another about which bills get passed and ones not to pass is insane. Just insanity! So much for democracy. Is Georgia the only NATO member Washington threated with a color revolution?

Nope! When this began, Poland and another country were threatened and pressured into passing similar laws. Washington DC has a history of staging color revelutions when the leaders of foreign countries don’t do what DC wants them to. They also have a history of killing these leaders who are courageous enough to say no to DC.

Where is this going? Will there be more stories like this? The Rothschilds banking family has gotten used to getting what they want. Even at the cost of human lives. There’s nothing too grotesque for them to push governments to do in order to expand their bank accounts.

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Quote of the week

"People ask me what I do in the winter when there's no baseball. I'll tell you what I do. I stare out the window and wait for spring."

~ Rogers Hornsby

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