This is as true today as when Mr. Carlin first said this. (Google image)

I wish I were creative enough to make this up but I am not. Think about this, in the 1940s we jumped into war against Hitler because Nazis were a danger to humanity. Below is a WW II anti Nazi propaganda poster. Here we are 82 years later, arming people with the same mindset as Hitler. ¡WTF!

(Google image)

Before you say Trump would never deal with these monsters. Except he did. The article below is from 2018 which congress and Trump bragged about selling arms to known members of Ukrainian forces knowing they were neo-nazis.

Personally, I suspect this has been going on a lot longer than we could ever find documentation of. This is an insult to everyone who fought to defeat Hitler. Then we have ask ourselves why did we bother to defeat Hitler to start with? Because of the poor Jewish German citizens being put into concentration camps? No! There was some guys who escaped Auschwitz. One guy was brought here to America. He told FDR what was happening, and he refused to believe him. Why would this man lie about the horrors he just escaped? It makes no sense.

The bottom line is this, America’s demise is coming and we have no one to blame but ourselves. Have set back and allowed a government to do the most monstrous abominable things to others  across the world. We’ve also turned a blind eye to the horrors they commut here on American soil. I am referring to the satanic ritual sexual assaults. We allow the government officials to lie, steal, murder and rape their way across the world. So for the USD to fall, it’s karma with the judgment of God.

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Quote of the week

"People ask me what I do in the winter when there's no baseball. I'll tell you what I do. I stare out the window and wait for spring."

~ Rogers Hornsby

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