Good luck, mate… (Google image)

Apparently Russia plans on suing NATO/US  for compensation they have lost because of the sanctions. Will someone tell Mr. Medvedev what America’s debt is. And the projected amount by the end of the year… Our own citizens are getting screwed over while congress and senate are voting to give themselves a raise.

To be honest, I get where Russia is coming from. They did lose a significant amount of money in 2022 when the sanctions first started. However, they rebounded by the end of 2022. Which considering how sanctions have crippled other nations, I would say they actually helped Russia becones less dependent on American products. I am saying they were dependent completely. To a point all nations around the world are dependent on each other. Some more that others such as Israel and Ukraine are dependent on American taxpayers. We should be able to claim them on our taxes. Russia was never that dependent. They sold and have been driving American cars like Ford since the 90s. After 2022, they started increasing the number of domestic cars they produced to make up for American car companies leaving.

Look at Iran and Venezuela. These are perfect examples of sanctions unjustly crippling a country.  Russia has defied this fate. So, personally, I say Mr. Medvedev, be happy. Your country managed to defy the odds of sanctions unlike Iran and Venezuela. After all, once WW III is over, I estimate you will own America anyway. That us the only way we will be able to pay reparations. All of America will be yours. Stupid, fat, and crazy citizens included with the national resources.

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"People ask me what I do in the winter when there's no baseball. I'll tell you what I do. I stare out the window and wait for spring."

~ Rogers Hornsby

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